Velosolutions Pump Tracks
in 2020
What a year! In many respects, 2020 has been unprecedented – we know you don’t need a list of reasons. Sometimes, though, times of great chaos bring about great change – and we couldn’t be more thankful to all the 69 cities who believed in us in this less than usual year and continued to work with us for the benefit of their citizens.
This year has seen the construction of 69 Velosolutions Pump Tracks across 16 countries and counting as some pump tracks are still heading into year end development.
Outdoor parks are key for future development and pump tracks create a healthy, safe, tolerant sporting environment for all no matter the location – whether in a township, urban landscape, city or village – the positive impact on any community is irrefutable. These 69 cities have remembered that, even more so in these times, that kids and adults alike need to be able to go outside and have fun to stay healthy.
How did we achieve this number?
Thanks to the incredible, dedicated, hard-working global team, we managed to successfully complete 69 more projects this year – all featuring a unique Velosolutions pump track design. These are now vital elements for many bike parks, outdoor parks and green spaces, bringing the total count to more than 250 completed Velosolutions Pump Tracks globally. With around 6000 soccer fields around Europe, we sure have our work cut out for us.
Why We won’t Stop Here
Our vision is that every town or city should have their own pump track and our belief is that this will help in creating a healthy and happy world. Eco-mobility and cycling especially are the future of our cities and pump tracks are a part of this future.
Offering an exciting playground for future citizens, Velosolutions Pump Tracks are the perfect solution for keeping people active and healthy. If you’re looking to develop a project in your hometown get in touch with our team at info@velosolutions.com
Most importantly thank you to everyone who keeps riding our tracks, we’ll keep doing our thing until every human in the world has access to a pump track!
“There’s nothing else to say today than THANK YOU! Thank you to all the cities, partners, friends, workers and riders for keeping the wheels and the Velosolutions’ world spinning!”